Full Sun Farm

What's happening on the farm right now?

We are wrapping up the 2022 farming season and getting prepped for 2023!!

Drip lines are picked up, hoops and row cover are put away in the barn, tool sheds have been organized and the perennial beds have been weeded. The greenhouse end walls have new plastic and the doors have been replaced. We've inventoried our seed and have started on the new seed order. We have one more market this coming Saturday and then the farming for 2022 is done!

We have had such great help this fall that we've gotten lots of stuff done that we usually do in February. And good thing it is, because Sam and his wife, Ashley, are expecting a baby girl in March! We want to have all things well in hand when she arrives and Sam takes some time off to enjoy being a new Dad.

Another thing we are excited about for next year is working with the Equal Plates Project. Equal Plates purchases produce, fruits and grain from local farmers and then makes meals for our unhoused neighbors, low-income seniors and Medicaid patients. I met with Madi Holtzman, the director, last week and we came up with a plan to grow about 1/4 acre of butternut squash for them in 2023. We already donate produce to our local Sandy Mush Food pantry and through gleaners that pick up left overs at the end of market but this is the first time we will be growing something specifically to help feed those in need. There are several farms involved in the Project and we are all reaching out to our wonderful customers and supporters to help raise funds for the coming season and for their immediate produce needs for this coming winter.

To learn more about what they do and to make a donation, click on the logo below. Tell 'em Full Sun Farm sent ya!


For those of you with CSA market shares, your balance is updated through December 10. Your balance will roll over to next year if you don't use all your credit by December 17. The CSA discount, however, is for one season only.
The overwintering flowers in our high tunnel are looking great. Lots of beautiful blooms to look forward to in 2023.

What's available in the store and at market this week?

Last chance to get our delicious lettuce mix and lettuces. For head lettuce, we have red butter, red leaf and panisse again this week. We have bags of greens, green kale, black kale, Swiss chard and collards. White turnips, also bagged, and daikon radishes. Popcorn and angel hair spaghetti squash. Parsley and a little cilantro.

That's it. You all have cleaned us out! Thank you!!!!

John's Recipe of the Week

John Loyd is our dear friend, neighbor, CSA worker member and a gourmet Southern cook. His delightful cooking observations and delicious recipe offerings appear here each week.

“We must have pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.”
David Manet

It was a grand year for variety at Full Sun and much fun to write blogs about all the vegetables.

Here are some of the resources often referred to, and ones that are favorites here. These are all still in print and some probably are at Malaprops and local used book stores.

The Silver Palate cookbooks (2) by Julie Russo and Shelia Lukins’
The first two Moosewood cookbooks by Molly Katzan
One Big Table by Molly O’Neil
Chez Panisse Vegetables by Alice Waters
Deep Run Roots by Vivian Howard
Mastering Southern Cooking by Nathalie Dupree

Yep, one can peer unto a computer, but can never turn a page to see what the author has on the next page.

DALKON – What to do with our Asian visitor.

Eat ‘em raw
Steam, bake or broil and salt and butter and serve. Dicing works well.
Slice in salads and soups
Dressing with sesame oil and vinegar for a salad
Makes very nice slaw or an addition to slaw
Substitute anywhere a radish is called for

I'm looking forward to some long walks in the winter woods. Maybe I'll see you out there.
Stay warm.

Thank you for reading.
Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan

Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748
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