Full Sun Farm

What's happening on the farm right now?

This is Sophia's last week on the farm. She has been with us since early March and each day has been the brighter for her presence. She has told us stories and made us laugh and delved deep into our views on rom-coms, super heros and movies in general. She comes from a family where her Dad bought 4 lawn mowers so all 4 kids could have the experience of mowing the lawn with a push mower instead of a riding mower and that work ethic has shown every day. She is heading down to Florida, hoping to get work on another flower farm and then start one of her own. It is going to be a lot quieter around here without her and we were going to miss her a lot. Thank you Sophia!

We've spent most of this rainy day looking over sales numbers and going over each crop, talking about what worked, what didn't, what we should drop (sorry little gem lettuce fans) and what we should do more of (winter squash and carrots were mentioned.) It takes a while to go over it all and it is always surprising how much I've already forgotten (what were the tomatoes like this year???) and how, every year, the unassuming, half-ignored eggplant comes out as our top earner per bed feet.

Only two more Saturdays for 2022! We'll be at the North Asheville Tailgate Market on Saturday December 10th and 17th from 10 am until 1pm. NOTE THE NEW HOURS Place your pre-orders on Wednesday and Thursday for pick up at market on Saturday.

For those of you with CSA market shares, your balance is updated through December 3rd. Your balance will roll over to next year if you don't use all your credit by December 17. The CSA discount, however, is for one season only.
Sam, braving the rain, to move some mulch around
I'm delighted by how well the under-sown cover crop in doing in our kale beds. Once we are done with the kale, the cover crop will take over (it almost has already) and will protect and add nutrients to the soil through the winter.

What's available in the store and at market this week?

Lots of lettuce, red butter in particular and also red leaf, green oak leaf and lettuce mix. I made a good lasagna type dish with two of our angel hair spaghetti this week. Two gave me enough "pasta" to layer an 9 by 9 with the squash, ricotta, red sauce and parmasan cheese. We've got daikon radishes and turnips for roots crops. Ears and gift bags of popcorn. Kale and collards. Rainbow Swiss chard. Cilantro and parsley.

John's Recipe of the Week

John Loyd is our dear friend, neighbor, CSA worker member and a gourmet Southern cook. His delightful cooking observations and delicious recipe offerings appear here each week.

“I only drink champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not.” Coco Chanel

Both recipes today, celebrate women chefs, something, not long ago, was rare in the world of professional cooking.

MOLASSES DIJON DRESSING - Here is another recipe from the “Well, Shut My Mouth” café in Winston-Salem. Makes 3 cups.

2 cups Dijon mustard
¼ cup mayonnaise
½ cup molasses
Pinch of cayenne pepper

Mix everything together in a small bowl and stir until smooth. Cover and refrigerate.

MIDDLE EASTERN CARROT SALAD – From The New Moosewood Cookbook. The Moosewood Cookbook by Molly Katzen, sold over a million copies, so ten years later the collective published this one. All their cookbooks feature excellent recipes... This interesting recipe serves 4 to 6.

4 cups grated carrots
3 tbsp. lemon juice
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
½ tsp. ground coriander seeds
¼ tsp. salt.
2 tsp. chopped fresh mint or ½ tsp. dried
1 tbsp. fresh parsley
1 to 2 tbsp. honey, sugar or maple syrup

Mix all the ingredients together and chill one hour before serving.

It seems the rain brings out the amorous side of earthworms.

Thank you for reading.
Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan

Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748
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