Full Sun Farm

What's happening on the farm right now:

Without intending to, I think I have included a photo of our strawberries in every newsletter this year. I hope you can indulge me one more time. They are just looking so good and now a couple of berries have turned red. I couldn't help myself.

We do have other things besides strawberries growing on the farm now, like the multiple rows of tiny little carrots pictured below and the onions and tulips pictured right after them. We also got all our spring onions and potatoes planted last week, as well as a third round of lettuce and lettuce mix.

Strange as it is to say, we are almost ready to start planting our first summer crops. The rhythm of the farming season for us starts out slowly and increase more or less gradually until sometime towards the end of May, we find ourselves going full speed. It is early for our summer crops and they need to be covered with floating row cover to protect them from frost but 2 beds of tomatoes are planted and some summer squash and cukes are going out next week. They start slowly as well. By the end May, we'll be covered up in strawberries, staring down our first beds of summer squash, doing two markets a week and trying to keep up with all the weeds. Tomatoes show up the middle of June and then it is on. Deep breath. Still a few months to go.
Tiny carrots as far as the eye can see
Overwintering onions, lush and green
Tulips enjoying the cool drizzly morning

What's available in the on line store and at market?

It was a chilly beginning to our market season but it was good to see some old customers and meet news ones. This Saturday is supposed to be gloriously warm.

We'll have loads of tulips, ranunculus and mixed bouquets. Our lettuce mix is ready and we have radishes, spring onions, watercress and baby kale to go with it. We have a few plant starts, greens, lettuce, herbs, with more coming next week
Tulips after several days in the house. They change and grow more lovely everyday.
Thanks for reading.
Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan
Full Sun Farm
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