News from the Farm – September 17, 2011

Only four weeks remain in the CSA season! As you have noticed we’ve started to put in winter squashes in the boxes. They are ready to eat, though, some, especially the Butternut variety, will last for a few months, so you don’t have to eat them all now! Just leave it on your kitchen counter, checking it from time to time to make sure a bad spot doesn’t turn up on it. The winer squash harvest this year wasn’t as large as in year’s past, but we’ll probably have enough to do some special orders of cases or half cases for you all to store through some of the winter. Let us know if you know you want some extra squash or potatoes for that matter and we’ll let you know what we can do.

Alex is organizing the annual Holiday Bazaar which takes place the first three Saturdays in December, where we plan on having some produce, honey, sorghum, potatoes, Paper-whites, and of course popcorn! There is another month of produce in the CSA but we’re just letting you all know that we’ll be around after it ends. We are also planning on offering a CSA extension again this year, probably another 4 or 5 weeks, that would take you up to Thanksgiving! More on that next week.

We’re cleaning up around here and doing a lot of weeding still. We’ll be cover cropping 5 fields on Thursday and mowing down beds that are no longer productive. The summer squash is done; the beans are done; the heirloom & cherry tomatoes are done. There is still one more round of sweet corn coming along, though it’s only about half the usual planting. We’re hoping to get next year’s strawberries in the ground on Monday, though there’s a few steps that have to happen before we will be ready to actually plant them in. There’s a lot broccoli out there that’s growing along, looking very strong. Hopefully it will start to head up here in the next week or so.