News From The Farm – October 5, 2013

One more week! Next Saturday will be the last pick up day for this year’s CSA.
The strawberries are in the ground! We had some great help last week and got all 2,000 plants in the ground before lunch. It feels great to have all those plants in the ground. We’ve sorted our seed garlic and have that ready to go for next week, along with the over wintering onions. So we’re feeling pretty good about our work load for the next few weeks. We’ll continue to tend the rest of the fall crops, continue to clean up, organize, and give some forgotten projects some attention.

Don’t forget about our CSA FARM PARTY! Sunday, October 6th. From 3-7pm. Please let us know if you’ll be able to attend.

Just because the CSA is ending doesn’t mean you have to give up fresh produce. We’ll be going to the Wednesday market through the end of October and to the Saturday market right up until Christmas.

POPCORN is not yet ready to pop. Place the ear of popcorn in a sunny window sill where they will stay dry and get as much sunlight as possible. We will continue to test the popcorn and let you know when they should be good to go.