News from the Farm – July 9, 2016

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We spent the weekend catching bees and harvesting potatoes! We had a big crew out here to help: some CSA worker members! and a group of kids attending a farm camp. With all the many hands we were able to harvest about 2,000# of spuds. There’s still a few more beds to dig, but the majority are out of the ground and in the barn. We caught two swarms of honey bees over the weekend, always a thrilling event. It’s absolutely amazing to see thousands of bees all massed together on a tree, bush, or sunflower stalk. Vanessa dawned her bee suit and put them all in new hives, helping to pollinate our crops and perhaps provide us with some wonderful honey!

This time of year these A LOT going on around the farm. We now have all the summer crops in. We’re battling weeds; harvesting some of the larger plantings of potatoes & onions; and we’re preparing for the fall plantings. The greenhouse is now full of fall greens, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc. We try to manage our time well, alotting time for harvesting, weeding, planting, and preparing the next field(s). It’s a real juggling act which needs to be executed well, if not the weeds take over, crops can rot in the field, or there won’t be ready ground when a crop is ready to be planted.




Half of the winter squash, looking’ good, so far….

Half of the winter squash, looking’ good, so far….

Please return your CSA box next week. These boxes are waxed and are not recyclable, but we reuse them. So PLEASE remember to bring them back next week.

Ideas for Cooking

(We want to thank long time CSA member John Loyd for providing ideas and inspiration in this section!!!)

“A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do.” P. J. O’Rourke

There is lots of squash coming down the line and this is a nice way to serve it raw. The little zepher ones are good in the salad too. (Click Link)

Poppy Seed Vinaigrette with Zucchini Salad

BASIL IDEAS – There is also a lot of basil headed your way and here is a very versatale sauce that has lots of uses. (Click Link)

Olive Basil Sauce