News from the Farm – July 5, 2014

Just in case you Saturday pick up members need a mid-week fix, we are now at ALL SOULS PIZZA! Let us know what you think of the site, parking, etc.

We spent the bulk of this week’s work time getting up the garlic. The ground was too wet to use our machines so we dug it all by hand, but we had some great help from some worker members. It’s now all up in the barn, laid out, with big fans blowing on it all to help dry it out as soon as possible. So in a few weeks the garlic should be cured and on our market stand and in your boxes! We also harvested the first of the spring planted onions.

In the past few weeks we’ve been irrigating out of our pond, at times bringing down the water level by a foot or so, but the rains of the past few days have filled up the pond and given us a rest from pumping. Unfortunately the weeds tend to grow faster when it rains. Alas more work, we can never really win.

Overall the farm is looking really good. Not too much has gotten away from us and we feel somewhat in control, at least today we feel that way. Vanessa & Alex are escaping for a short family vacation, but will be back for next week’s adventures.

The boxes we use for the CSA shares are waxed and are not recyclable, but we do reuse them. So PLEASE remember to BRING THEM BACK next week.