News from the Farm – August 15, 2015

Well, we had a pretty big day on Monday digging potatoes. With some extra sets of hands we were able to dig 5 beds in about two hours: 65 30-35# boxes! The last 2 beds cam out on Thursday. What a great feeling to have them all out! The next big work days will be harvesting the winter squash. We did have some disease problems with the winter squash this year (which is not uncommon), but there are still plenty of squash out there to get up into the barn. We’re still planting and sowing things outside, getting a field ready for the later fall crops and another field ready for the over-wintering crops. August is the real hump month for us. We’ve been working pretty hard since early March and now have about two more months of hard work to get us through the regular CSA season. But there are many things to look forward to in the coming weeks! Cooler weather for one, along with the return of kale, less intense weed pressure, and the last few sowings. We make a sowing schedule for the entire season over the winter. It’s about 28 pages long with everything that we’re going to sow and plant on it with dates, quantities, and lot of other information. There are only 3 pages left to do!

There’s honey in the box this week. Our hard working bees have provided us with some tasty honey. There’s a little bit of everything in there this year: locust, poplar, buckwheat, wildflowers, and all sorts of vegetable flowers as well. It’s a little on the dark side of the honey spectrum, but quite good. There’s one half pint per box, so if you share your box with someone else, you might want to purchase another jar. They’re $5. Right now we only have half pints, but will bottle up some pints in the coming weeks for sale as well.

peppersaugust potatoesaugustPeppers are starting to turn and some Papa Gaucho fingerling potatoes.

******Worker members, we are ready to put you to work! Please take a moment to look at your calendars to see when you might be able to fulfill your work commitment.******

The boxes we use for the CSA shares are waxed and are not recyclable, but we do reuse them. So PLEASE remember to BRING THEM BACK next week.


Ideas for Cooking

It’s an onion week this week, but I thought I’d throw out some potato recipes from CSA member and recipe guru, John Lloyd.