News from the Farm – August 10, 2013

It was dry on the farm! In fact I was going to have to turn on the irrigation if it hadn’t rained, of course it did. We got another couple of inches in the past few days. But we took advantage of the dry weather which allowed us to do quite a bit of tractor work; discing and bedding up a field to plant into. We spent all day Monday & Thursday planting. We now have all the fall greens, broccoli, cabbages, bok choi, lettuce, lettuce mix, radicchio, leeks, beets, carrots, and sunflowers in the ground! That is a huge relief. There will be fall crops!! We also sowed some turnips, radishes, and arugula. We dug another bed and a half of potatoes on Tuesday afternoon and got 24 35# boxes of German Butterball. That is a huge yield!! Amazing. We needed a little good news around here. We’re grateful for all those spuds. We planted the last round of cucumbers in the greenhouse last week and they are growing well. We trellised them on Thursday to give them support as they grow towards the sky. We plan on harvest the winter squash next week, hopefully some of it will be ok.

We host a farm tour here on Sunday. It’s good that most everyone is in the same boat (almost literally). All the farmers can commiserate together as we walk our wet and weedy fields. It’s always nice to see many of these people who will be attending, they are our peers, but distance and a busy lifestyle keeps us apart for the most part this time of year.

These boxes are waxed and are not recyclable, but we reuse them. So PLEASE remember to bring them back next week.