James Villas – The Glory of Southern Cooking
6 to 8 servings – A favorite ay our house this time of year

2 Pounds of green beans – not thin French style ones
½ teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 dozen or so small red or Yukon potatoes – or larger ones sliced in half
OPTIONAL – two pieces of good bacon or some lean salt pork.
Cut ends of beans, string if necessary and snap them into 1/1/2 inch pieces.

Rinse well and transfer to a large pot. And the salt, pepper and meat and enough water to cover by inch.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer slowly till beans are tender, about an hour.
Meanwhile wash the potatoes, peel a strip of skin around the center of each piece. add

About 30 minutes before the beans are done. Stir them in and cook until tender. Drain and serve in a large bowl.