Full Sun Farm

News from Farm:

This week is a big transition week. Our cheerful, hardworking crew of apprentices are heading out on Saturday. Ingrid, Al, Clare and Chandler (from left to right in the picture above) have been great to work with, always willing, up beat, interested, engaged and they get the job done right. We've had great feed back from you all about them and appreciate their open friendliness. We will miss having them when they are gone and wish them all the best on their next adventure. It's going to be quite around here with out them!

Speaking of transitions, we are still waiting on a killing frost. We've had a bunch of frosts but nothing that has really taken out all those tender weeds and flowers. We are 2 weeks late so far. Fingers crossed for some really cold nights next week.

A note about CSA credit: CSA credit rolls over until the next season. The discount code is good for one season only. I will be updating CSA member credit today and should have everything updated by the end of today.

A reminder: Next Wednesday November 3 is our last RAD Market. We will be attending and delivering to the North Asheville Tailgate Market until December 18th. We will be delivering to Cecilia's until November 20th, the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Below: Tuesday's harvest morning brought us a rainbow.

What's available this week??

Beautiful, tender and sweet cabbage. Frost-kissed and sweetened kales, collards and swiss chard. Plenty of head lettuce and lettuce mix. Bags of spinach. Lots of kinds of winter squash (check out the mini butternuts this week), potatoes. Fabulous onions in two sizes, 2lbs or 5lbs. Save 20% when you buy the big bag. Three kinds of radishes, purple daikon, red round and french breakfast. Parsley, beets, popcorn. At market, we'll have smaller amount of cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet peppers and likely the last of the flowers.
Two of my favorite things!

John's Recipe of the Week

John Loyd is our dear friend, neighbor, CSA worker member and a gourmet Southern cook. His delightful cooking observations and delicious recipe offerings appear here each week.
Week October 24, 2021

“Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great.” Remy

CAULIFLOWER STEAKS – Here is another quick one.
Serves two per cauliflower. This recipe is for two. Thanks to Cokie and Kate and Bon Appétit.

Medium head of cauliflower
Three tablespoons of olive oil, divided
Kosher salt and pepper

Heat your over to 400F Remove the toughest outer leaves and leave the tender ones. Cut in half from top to bottom, creating two inch and one half thick steaks.

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large iron skillet (if you’ve got one). You will need something that goes in the oven when the food is done. Cook the cauliflower over medium-high heat, until deep golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add last tablespoon of oil and cook until the second side is golden brown, about 3 minutes, and season with salt and pepper.
Transfer skillet to oven and roast until stems are tender when pierced with a cake tester or toothpick, 8 to 12 minutes. Let cool slightly.
You can top the steaks with tahini sauce, chimichurri, pesto, Parmesan, marinara sauce, grated cheese or feta. This is good served over rice or any type.

The celosias are a favorite sleepover spot for the bumble bees. If it is chilly, they sleep late into the morning and we find them still snoozing when we're harvesting.

Thanks for reading and best wishes.

Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan
Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748