Full Sun Farm

Pre-order plant sale goes until March 21. Plan your garden and reserve our tried and true summer seedlings. More details at the end of the newsletter.


What's happening on the farm right now?

Planting, that's what happening. We have our first three beds of greens out there, hooped and covered, both to protect them from the cold and from our hungry herd of deer. We've also been planting spinach and would be planting a big round of lettuce, lettuce mix and baby greens but Saturday night's low of 13 made us to decide to wait until next week. No reason to put the poor plants out just to freeze their little roots off!

In the next couple of days, we'll also be spending a good amount of time getting ready for Saturday night's cold, hooping and covering even the cold hardy vegetables and flowers we have planted in high tunnels. The strawberries have some back nicely from being eaten and have lots of flowers on them now. We will double cover them and hopefully the 1" or so layer of snow will help to insulate them against the temps in the teens as well.

We are busy in the greenhouse too, stepping up our first round of tomatoes and sowing flowers, peppers, eggplant and more tomatoes. Next week, we start our squash and cucumbers.

We continue to do clean up jobs, organizing and making improvements here and there in our infrastructure, weeding our perennial flowers and overwintering crops, and making up beds for all the good vegetables to come.
The strawberries are recovering from their unwelcome haircuts.
Early Spring in Sandy Mush

Pre-Order Plant Sale details:

Pre-order is available for our tried and true summer seedling starts. This includes tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, summer squash, winter squash, okra, tomatillos, basil, culinary herbs, and flowers.

Pick up days are Saturday, April 30th and Wednesday, May 4th. These dates are just little before our last frost date, but I know we are all anxious to get our gardens going. Just be prepared to cover your plant babies if a frost is in the forecast.

Pick locations are, on Saturday, the North Asheville Tailgate Market, 8am until 12, Cecilia's Kitchen 9:30am to 11am and at the farm, 9am until dusk. On Wednesday pick locations are the River Arts District Farmers Market 3-6pm and at the farm from 9am until dusk. You can choose your pick up location when you check out.

Our regular selection of spring plant starts (kales, lettuces etc) will be available for sale on our website once the tailgate markets open for the season, April 2nd, and aren’t available for pre-order at this time. Like last year, we'll be offering the full range of our seedlings on our online store and bringing only a limited selection for in person shopping at the tailgate markets.

Flowers for you!

Thank you for reading.
Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan
Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748
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