Full Sun Farm
Snowdrops and Charlie

News from Farm:

I hope this newsletter finds every one healthy and enjoying the winter. We've been having quiet days out here on the farm enjoying the snow days, the cold grey days and the warm sunny days. It is a time of introspection for us, lots of walks in the woods discussing what ifs. We are slowly getting organized for this coming season. We've made our basic crop plan and ordered most things early this year to try to stay ahead of supply issues. So far so good. We're interviewing potential apprentices and keeping overwintering crops in the high tunnels watered.

We are excited for this coming season, trying new varieties, refining the ones that we already grow, looking at ways to make our harvesting and market prep smother and the market and pick-up experience more straight forward and fun. If you have any suggestion, please let us know.

Sign-up for the CSA market shares and flower shares is open. We plan to do the pre-order for the summer vegetable and flower starts again this year. We'll start taking those orders the second week of February. If there is anything in particular that you would like that we don't offer, again, please let us know. No promises but it is always fun to try new things.

Below: All the overwintering crops have struggled with the wild swings in temperature. The onions in particular look pretty bad. The growing tips seem undamaged so we are hopeful that they will put on good growth as soon as it starts to warm up.
Bald Creek, the beautiful ancient river that carved out this amazing valley doesn't get much attention. It is often treated more like a drainage ditch, its banks cleared and its path straightened. We are hoping to give it more respect this year starting with clearing out some of the crazy amount of plastic that is hanging on to it banks. See the picture below. The white stuff dangling from the banks is not snow! It seems like a big project, maybe one that we cannot complete but any little bit that we keep from heading further down stream has to count for something.
The moon setting over the snowy mountains.

Thank you for reading.
Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan
Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748
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