Full Sun Farm

News from the farm...

Thanks to everyone who said they were interested in the pre-order option for getting our seedlings. Our pre-order plant sale is now live on our website and runs through March 15. Reserve your plants and make sure you aren’t disappointed!

Pre-order is available only for our tried and true summer seedling starts. This includes tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, summer squash, winter squash, okra, tomatillos, basil, culinary herbs, and flowers.

Pick up days are Saturday, May 1st and Wednesday, May 5th. These dates are just little before our last frost date, but I know we are all anxious to get our gardens going. Just be prepared to cover your plant babies if a frost is in the forecast.

Pick locations are, on Saturday, the North Asheville Tailgate Market, 8am until 12, Cecilia's Kitchen 9am to 11am and at the farm, 9am until dusk. On Wednesday pick locations are the River Arts District Farmers Market 3-6pm and at the farm from 9am until dusk. You can choose your pick up location when you check out.

Our regular selection of spring plant starts (kales, lettuces etc) will be available for sale on our website once the tailgate markets open for the season, around April 1st, and aren’t available for pre-order at this time. Like last year, we be offering the full range of our seedlings on our online store and bringing only limited selection for in person shopping at the tailgate markets.

Happy garden dreaming!


What are we doing on the farm now?

The tulips are coming up and looking healthy. In the back ground you can see my sister, Kath, helping to weed our strawberry patch. Yesterday, we took down our two small caterpillar tunnels and today, after having refurbished the beds, we are putting them back up again. (See photo below). These beds will be planted with our first round of lettuce, lettuce mix and kale by the end of next week. We have sown a big bed of radishes and one of spinach in one of our high tunnels and have been doing a LOT of clearing out and organizing. Thank you to Sam for your persistence in this task. This week will be dump run number three for our big box van!!
You're not supposed to let the weeds flower in your garden beds nor lie down and glory in their vibrancy but I did both last week and they saved me!

Thanks for reading and best wishes.
Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

- Cheri Huber and Ashwini Narayanan
Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748