Full Sun Farm
The undulations of the winter squash field always make me think of waves on the ocean. It only looks like this for a short time but it is one of my favorite farm views.

News from the farm...

The abundance that summer brings is here! Most of the produce in the store is now just "in stock" with no limit on what can be ordered. We are harvesting, washing and sorting and packing like crazy and it feels GREAT! We are getting our new systems down at the barn so we can move efficiently and, even with the added work of packing custom boxes, not work late on harvest days. We have a little way to go on that one and as a team we are problem solving and coming up with better work flows and unclogging bottle necks. Please check the on line store even if you think you are too late to get any of "the good stuff." You are not!

A word about our compostable produce bags: We love that they are compostable. You can put these in your compost pile and they will be totally gone in a few months. We are getting used to their sort of slimy feel. (People hated the way plastic grocery bags felt when they were introduced back in the 1979, so we can get used to anything.) We don't love that they don't make good bags in which to store produce. The bags are breathable so the moisture can still be sucked out of the lettuce, carrots or what have you if you put them in the frig. So use the crisper drawer or wrap things in damp paper towels to keep them from getting wilty in the refrigerator.

Fall greens, yes fall greens, get planted next week! Thank goodness it is going to be a little cooler. Below is a picture of them hardening off outside behind the greenhouse.


What's Available This Week

Tomatoes, heirlooms like Cherokee purple, brandywine, black krim, striped German and a few newer heirloom types, pink Berkeley tiedye, red boar, solar flame, orange jazz and blue beauty. (okay, so I went a little crazy with the seed catalogues last winter!) Cocktail tomatoes and a few pints of cherry tomatoes. Despite the heat, we have delicious head lettuce and super convenient triple-washed lettuce mix. Also cucumbers, summer squash, several kinds of eggplant, shishito peppers, carrots, beets, cilantro, parsley, basil, yellow potatoes (probably have some new kinds of potatoes next week), yellow onions. Lots of flowers, mixed bouquets, zinnias, some beautiful calla lilies and the dahlias (for now these are only at market.)

John's Recipe of the Week

John Loyd is our dear friend, neighbor, CSA worker member and a gourmet Southern cook. His delightful cooking observations and delicious recipes offerings appear here each week.

Here’s a cool way for your cukes. Thanks to Mollie Katzen for this one.

WILTED CUCUMBER SALAD – 4 to 6 servings

1 cup red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons honey
4 medium cucumbers – 4 to 6 inch ones
1-teaspoon salt
Lots of fresh black pepper
1-teaspoon dill weed
½ cup super thin sliced red onion

Heat vinegar in a pot until almost boiling then add the honey and let it dissolve. Set aside.

Slice the cukes very thinly, and place them in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and dill and mix well. Add onions and mix.

Pour the still warm vinegar over the mixture. Transfer to a jar and refrigerate.

Serve cold.

People sometimes ask what we do with our leftovers from market. Well, we give them away. Jean and Frank Barbara, pictured above, run the Sandy Mush Food Pantry and do two distributions a month, helping to feed over 100 families each time. They can use everything we give them and especially appreciate our flowers.

Please know that by supporting us, you are supporting them too and we are all very grateful!

Love the flowers. Honor the vegetables. Let the weeds go!

Your farmers, Vanessa and Alex
Full Sun Farm
90 Bald Creek Road
Leicester, NC 28748